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Thank you

Artboard 1

I would like to thank every person who helped my campaign in some way.

Whether you placed a poster in your window, a post in your garden, stood on the A48 with a Reform board or delivered leaflets, a HUGE THANK YOU.

We came second in Bridgend with almost 8,000 votes. We are a relatively new party, and this was simply ‘dipping our toe’ in the water.

We now have FIVE MP’s we didn’t have, and they will all represent us well in Parliament and to Nigel we say a massive thank you for coming onboard and raising our profile and to Richard for steadying the ship through turbulent times. Well done to all five, it was a massive achievement.

We will also be forming Associations or Branches soon which will help build upon our success and we hope you will join us when we commence these branches.

This is just the start and Reform has a long-term plan.

Once again, a massive thank you to all.